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Conference Logics of Innovation and Change


The logics of architectural design and construction are in continuous adaptation to the context in which they operate. Their systems of methods and principles are expanded to face challenges such as climate change, technological disruptions, economic and geopolitical collapses, and demographic movements, among other major global changes. On the 2019 Barcelona Building Construmat edition of Arena Talks we reviewed the most significant phenomena affecting our society, in order to use them as a way of rethinking and presenting other spatial, functional, professional, social and cultural logics that are geared towards an expanded conception of architecture.

Speakers: Santiago Muiño, Roger Tudó (H arquitectes), Javier García-Germán (Totem), Sandra Bestraten (Bestraten Hormías), Sonia Hernandez (Architecture Sana), Bruno Sauer (Green Building Spain), Pedro Mariñelarena (Platform PassivHaus Spain), Mario Carpo, Lluís Ortega (Sio2), Alenjandro Haiek (Lab.Pro.Fab), Roger Paez (Master Architecture ephemeral in Elisava), Aixa del Rey (Flexo arquitectura), Miquel Lacasta (Archikubik), Neil Leach, Areti Markopoulou (IaaC), Mar Santamaría (300,000km/s), Tomás Diez (Fab Lab Barcelona), Fernando Vila (Sagrada Familia), Gilles Delalex (Muoto), Kathrin Golda-Pontgrazt, Marina Romero, Lola Sheppard (Lateral Office), Felipe de Ferrari (Common Plan and 0300TV) and Gianpiero Venturini (Itinerant Office and New Generations), Enric Llorach, Víctor Navarro (Langarita-Navarro), Fabienne Hoelzer (Fabulous Urban), Ana Cocho (ESARQ-UIC).


Client: Barcelona Building Construmat, Talks 2019
1-3 June, 2019

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